Sunday, November 1, 2015


Everyone was created with that unique and amazing talent..
Don't feel all beaten up like God didn't give you any.

It's your choice to find that hidden talent in you and exhibit it to the world.
Think deeply, be focused, think of what motivates you,  ponder on what you are really Good at..  And hit on it..

Devote your time and energy to that thing you love and really know how to do with ease.. It may be difficult at first sight, but if you have passion for it, you become perfect..

Don't discourage yourself,  stop looking down on you...  Say,  I can do it and you will see yourself doing it..

It's never a waste of time doing it all over again,  correct your wrongs,  Try and keep pushing and you will be amaze.. "Rome was not built in a day" it take patience and perseverance to be successful..

When you feel like letting go,  just remember and think deeply why you started..
Even in hard times there is always that single Joyful moment..

Create new ideas, think positivity.. Don't be negative.. Can I?
What if I fail?  Who I'm I to stand out?
Wrong choice of words for someone who is trying to be self - made.
Say, I believe in myself, I know what I can achieve.. I know I'm better than the best..
Remember: there is power in spoken words..

Don't borrow,  when you ask people to lean you money, you will find out that you spent 24hrs of your precious time, thinking of how to pay back that huge sum of money.
Truth is,  you won't stop thinking about it until you finally pay back..
The time you use trying to figure out how to pay back,  why not use it to make one thing right..

Give your life a Go... Dont be static.


When you look at your friend's relationship..
You end up asking God to send you someone like him.

Don't worry,  no need getting envious.
Stick to these tips.

Learn to accept people in your life,  don't act like you don't give a damn when you do
Give people chance to be in your life,  you  never know who is gonna be Mr Right..

Don't be too bossy, Stop acting like you are the man in the relationship,  guys prefer the humble and cool headed ladies..

Don't be judgemental, you keep waiting for someone who is faithful,  caring and humble..
Wait no more.. No one is perfect, trust me. Everyone had his/unfaithful side.

You are actually single right now because you feel he is not Mr Right..
There is no Mr right,  accept ur Mr wrong and make him your Mr Right.

You are too busy with work that you can't even look closely to know if your so call me wrong needs someone to talk to or lean on..

You are single because you keep asking what he can do for you.. Fact is,  Nothing..  Keep saying nothing..  You need to also ask yourself what you can do for help him excel in life.

Most times where we set our foot on determine the kind of person we truly are.. To avoid being ditch,  to enjoy your Relationship, retrain yourself from places that can't add value to your life..

Be your self: stop forming,  Stop giving flimsy excuses,  Stop feeling like you are the only girl in the world,  You are not..
Release that deep inner part of you,  unlock it..

Do you know that when you flaunt your man, it makes him feel loved.. I'm not saying you should discuss your man in groupies..
For instance, you went out with ur man and someone asked  if you are alone and you reply Yes, I came with my/a Friend, (my dear you done fall hands) what stops you from saying, you came with your boo-boo..?

Search your self,  discard that attitude and behavior you know thousands of guys keep complaining about..

Finally, smile!
It's free therapy.